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I'm struggling with laundry. Do you have any tips?Updated a year ago

It may take a little experimenting to see what works best for you, but here are some suggestions to try. 

1. 3/4 - 1 capful of laundry solution is a good amount for a regular sized lightly-soiled load. If you are doing large loads or heavily-soiled loads, you will need more. Try a cap and a half.

2. Do you have hard water? Hard water (high in minerals) may require more laundry solution than soft water.

3. If you have hard water try adding a 1/2 cup - 1 cup distilled white vinegar and/or baking soda to your wash.

4. Are you using Oxygen Boost in every load? If not, be sure to add a scoop to the drum of the washing machine before adding clothes to the machine. It's great at helping to white whites and brighten colors.

5.  If you have smelly workout clothes, pretreat the armpits with a spray of all-purpose before putting them in the wash.

6. Do you have an HE machine? Some machines are too efficient and don't use enough water to be effective. Try adding a few cups of water to the drum of the machine, especially when you are doing large loads.

Please check out our User Guide for a whole section on laundry that includes a lot of helpful information!

Also watch these three short how-to videos.

General laundry instructions

How to treat stains

How to soak stinky clothes



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