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Technical questions about The ConcentrateUpdated 2 months ago

What is the pH of The Concentrate?

The pH of our Concentrate is 8.5 +/- 0.5. If you have a concern that requires a particular pH, we recommend that you fill your All-Purpose or Bathroom spray bottle with water and Concentrate and test the pH. Also test an inconspicuous area of the surface you'd like to clean to see how the product interacts with it.

Are Branch Basics cleaning supplies safe for my septic systems? 

Yes! Branch Basics products can safely be used with septic systems. 

How long does The Concentrate stay preserved?

The Concentrate is good for at least two years. Once The concentrate is mixed with water, the cleaning solutions are good for around a year. We recommend distilled water for the Streak-Free solution because there is only a drop of Concentrate in the water, so using distilled water will be helpful with preservation.

Do I need to wipe down surfaces with water after cleaning with Branch Basics?

No, you do not need to wipe down surfaces with water after cleaning with Branch Basics. Spray the surface with Branch Basics, wipe it dry and you are good to go! 

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