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How can I manage my Subscription?

Just log-in to your subscription to see when your next order will process, make an edit, change a date, update your payment method, or cancel. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out via this form. We're happy to help!.

How can I make a change to my subscription?

Thank you for being a subscriber! Sure! Just log-in to your subscription to change the shipping address, the next order date, the order frequency or the payment method. You can even edit the products within your subscription, including adding items t

Can I cancel this subscription order?

Thank you for being a subscriber! We'll do our best to cancel your order before it begins processing at our fulfillment center. You can contact us via this form and please include the order number in the message. Or, feel free to call us at 1-800-414

How can I use a referral code on a subscription order?

Thank you for being a subscriber and for referring your friends to Branch Basics!. Unfortunately, our subscription program is not set up to take coupon codes. You could use the coupon codes for a separate order if you need extra bottles, dryer balls,

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. Just log-in to your account and click "Cancel Subscription" under each item within your subscription. If an order just processed, this will not cancel the current order. Please reach out to us as quickly

Can I use a gift card to pay for a subscription?

Thanks for your question! Unfortunately our subscription platform doesn't have the ability to add a gift card but we are happy to do a work around for you! Please provide your gift card information and email address and we’ll get back to you soon!.

I updated my payment method. Can you reprocess my subscription order?

Thank you for being a subscriber! Yes, we're happy to help. Please provide the information below and we'll take care of it right away!.

My subscription items are shipping separately. Can you help?

Yes, we're happy to help! Please provide your information below and we'll get back to you soon with a resolution.

Is there a shipping fee on subscription orders?

Good question! There may be a shipping fee on your subscription order.